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Book drive March 24-28!


Updated: 12 hours ago

The Social Action Committee is excited to continue an annual Franklin tradition of holding a book drive during the week of the Scholastic Book Fair! We will again be collecting books to donate to the Tynan School in Boston as part of the Linking Libraries program. You can buy books at the fair to donate or bring in books from your home shelf in good condition. This is a great time to do some spring cleaning and set aside any children’s books that your family is ready to pass along!. There will be a donation bin located at the book fair to collect donations.

Linking Libraries is a book donation program that aims to create ongoing links between schools through a shared passion for books and reading. Students in donor schools collect new and gently used books and donate them to a receiving school in which students may have access to fewer books at home. Students in the receiving school then select donated books to take home and keep. Over 6,000 books have been donated and 20 schools have been linked. This year, Franklin is again linked with the Tynan School in Boston. The Tynan School would love donations of any new or gently used books so that students can select books to take home and keep! They particularly like early readers, chapter books, and graphic novels, but all books in good condition are greatly appreciated.



The Franklin PTO is a 501(c)3 organization

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