For a LOT more photos & videos, head to our PTO Facebook Page! Wow!! What a fun Color Day & Fun Run today!! Thank you so much to Nick Wong for putting it all together and to Franklin parent, Meghan Scheffler, for organizing the parent volunteers, the fun run details, getting the ice pops, and the awesome new Franklin sunglasses for all of the students and staff!!
The kids should all be able to tell you how many laps they ran and all checks (submitted in student folders) or online donations are due by this Friday, June 17th!! If you submit checks, please make sure that they are written out to “Franklin PTO” and have the student name and teacher attached.
Online donations can be submitted here by noon on Friday, June 17th: https://franklinpto.wufoo.com/forms/fun-run/
***If we collectively raise $2000 for the Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center (RIAC), Principal Chitty will get a pie in the face at the last all school meeting!***