Hi Franklin Families,
Teacher Appreciation Week is next week from May 3rd - May 7th!! We need all of the students to help us on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5th!! Students at Franklin will be creating a giant, colorful flower filled with all of the reasons their teachers are terrific! Instructions: 1) Print out the PDF file attached (in-person students should have already received a copy in their folders from school by today).
2) Write a reason why your teacher is terrific on the empty petal.
3) Color the petal and print it out.
4) Bring the petal with you "in hand" on WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH, and drop it off OUTSIDE in front of the school steps with PTO volunteers, Lisa Madding & Jessica Allen, anytime between 8:05AM - 8:25AM! Look for them holding a big box that you can drop your decorated petal into!
DLA students that drop off on the earlier side should still have plenty of time to head back home before your classes start!
Here is what the finished flower looked like from a previous year:

In addition, we have a lot of fun things planned for our wonderful teachers next week. Thank you SO much to all of the parents who have already signed up to contribute items for teachers! There are still a few slots left, so if you'd like to sign up, here is the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4FA4AC2DAAFE3-teacher Here is the Teacher Appreciation Week schedule: Monday, May 3rd - We would be "muffin" without you! In the morning, Principal Jocelyn will be visiting each classroom with a breakfast cart filled with a variety of muffins, hot Starbucks coffee, and orange juice!

Tuesday, May 4th - You make us bloom! Classroom teachers will be receiving "blooming" flowers or plants! This is being coordinated by each classroom's room parent. If you haven't heard from your room parent yet, they may have had leftover funds from the holidays to purchase these. Please check in with your room parent if you have any questions!

Wednesday, May 5th - Creation of a giant colorful flower from student decorated petals & Franklin Staff Luncheon catered by Panera Bread! The staff gets to enjoy a catered boxed lunch and pre-order exactly what they want out of 22 sandwiches/salads, 5 sides, and 5 desserts! DLA and remote staff will get $15 gift cards mailed to them since they won't be able to participate in-person.

Thursday, May 6th - We picked the best! A variety of fresh fruit, yogurt, and granola bars will be available in the teacher's lounge in the morning.

Friday, May 7th - Thanks for making our kids smart cookies! A variety of individually packaged cookies and seltzer water will be available in the teacher's lounge in the morning.

If you feel like you want to send something else in to say Thank You to your teachers for this special week, please feel free to do so!!
Let us know if you have any questions!
-The Franklin PTO