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End of Year Updates from the Franklin PTO!

Writer: Franklin PTO NewtonFranklin PTO Newton

Dear Franklin families, We've officially made it through another great school year, and although it was challenging at times, we were able to have "almost" a normal year filled with a lot of wonderful community building events, fundraisers, staff appreciation opportunities, and more! We are grateful to be a part of this amazing community, and are so excited for the upcoming year! First, we want to thank Principal Mark Chitty for really making a home here at Franklin. We really appreciate all of his efforts to get to know the families here and are thrilled that he has been so supportive of PTO events! We also want to say farewell to all of the families who are leaving Franklin as their 5th graders graduate this week. We will miss you and hope you will come back to visit! Many thanks to the 5th Grade Moving On Committee for planning this year’s events and making it such a special final year at Franklin for the Class of 2022. Thank you also for the class gift of a new sound system that already has been very heavily used!

Second, we are excited to announce that Graham Voysey will be PTO President for the 2022-2023 school year. He was the coordinator for the Franklin Food to the Freedge initiative this year, and we are so thrilled to have him in this new role! We are also happy to share that joining the PTO as board members next year are Tory Masterson (treasurer), Panasaya Buckley, Jules Ko Myung, and Allison Player (CAS co-chair). We are delighted to welcome them and excited for what they will bring to the team! Here is the slate for the PTO Board for 2022-2023!

Franklin PTO Board for 2022-2023 Graham Voysey - President Tory Masterson - Treasurer Nancy Maida - Secretary Emilie Chang - Board Member Jules Ko Myung - Board Member Kate Civetti - Board Member Panasaya Buckley - Board Member Helen Makadia - Board Member & CAS co-chair Allison Player - CAS co-chair Ranjani Paradise - Social Action co-chair Jackie Savage-Borne - Social Action & FORJ co-chair Siobhan Crosby - FORJ co-chair Yael Mito - SEPAC representative Mark Chitty - Principal Erica Terk - Teacher Representative Stephanie Lefever - Teacher Representative We also want to thank Jessica Allen (co-president), Amy Horsman (treasurer & SEPAC representative), Tim Brenner (board member), and Christina Daly (CAS co-chair), who will be leaving the board and have contributed so much! They all brought a lot of enthusiasm and ideas to support our school, and they will be greatly missed! One special note about Amy Horsman: Did you know that she has been a part of the PTO Board for NINE YEARS? She has been in every role possible like Box Tops Coordinator as a new kindergarten parent, Auction chair, Co-President, Treasurer, and an incredible resource for all recent PTO Board Members who could always go to her with questions. If you see Amy, please thank her for dedication & long term commitment to Franklin!

Third, thanks to your participation and contribution to many of our events, we were able to raise $49,948 this year! We spent $40,121, so we are in great shape for the next school year with a surplus of $9,827! All of your support made it possible for us to do so much for our school community! Here are some fundraising highlights: Auction/Trivia - $17,192 PTO Dues - $14,818 Retail Fundraisers (cookie dough, restaurant "dining for dollars", etc.) - $6,454 Halloween Bash - $3,649 Book Fair - $2,900 Garden City and Pre-K Soccer - $2,325 Spiritwear - $1,445 School Photo Rebate - $1,378 Here are some spending highlights: Creative Arts & Sciences - $10,941 Teacher Mini Grants - $5,813 Teacher Appreciation Events - $4,266 Teacher Discretionary Fund - $4,250 Technology (Elmos for classrooms) - $2,384 Franklin Families in Need - $1,809 Child Assault Prevention Program - $1,750 FORJ events - $1,718 Color Day / Health & Wellness - $1,037 Finally, we are already looking to fill some key volunteer roles this fall for the 2022-2023 school year! We are kicking off our JustOne Campaign, so if each family is able to volunteer to do JustOne thing for the school (be it big or small!), then Franklin will be an even better place to learn! If you’re interested in more information, this sign up link has short descriptions of each role: * PTO Co-President * Mystery Dinner Co-Chairs (2) * Multicultural Night Co-Chairs (2) * Room Parent Coordinator * Bulletin Board Manager * Halloween Bash Committee (3) * Ad Sales Coordinator for Directory * Trivia Night & Live Auction Co-Chairs (2) * Online Auction Committee (3) * Trivia Night & Live Auction Co-Chairs (2) * Multicultural Night Co-Chair * Understanding Our Differences (UOD) Coordinator * Staff Lounge Supply Coordinator * Flyer Designer * Principal Coffee Coordinators (2) * Teacher Appreciation Week Co-Chairs (2) * Safe Routes to School Co-Representative * METCO Parent Representative * ELL Parent Representative * SEPAC Parent Representative If you would like to contact us with feedback or questions, please email us at Have a safe and wonderful summer! - The 2021-2022 Franklin PTO Board Emilie Chang, Co-President Jessica Allen, Co-President Amy Horsman, Treasurer & SEPAC Nancy Maida, Secretary Tim Brenner, Board Member Kate Civetti, Board Member Helen Makadia, Board Member & CAS Christina Daly, CAS Siobhan Crosby, FORJ Jackie Savage-Borne, FORJ & Social Action Ranjani Paradise, Social Action Yael Mito, SEPAC Mark Chitty, Principal Stephanie Lefever, PTO Teacher Representative Erica Terk, PTO Teacher Representative



The Franklin PTO is a 501(c)3 organization

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