Hey Franklin!
Green flamingos flocks have been flying all over the neighborhood visiting Franklin families and bringing smiles to everyone who walks by! They are only sticking around until May 17th so if you want to take a part in this fun school fundraiser, sign up soon!
Here is a partial view of an amazing MEGA flock with 50 balloons that landed earlier this week!

Want to flock? I want to flock ($25) or mega flock ($100) my friends, please click here: https://franklinpto.wufoo.com/forms/flocking/ Stay the flock away? I Need Anti-Flocking insurance ($15), please click here: https://franklinpto.wufoo.com/forms/flock-insurance/ Down to flock? We are looking for some volunteers who want to flock and have some fun in helping the birds navigate to their next house to flock. If you have a few times where you can help us make sure the birds arrive safely, please click here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0e4dadac2fa6fa7-franklin (it's a secret, so shhhhh!) *Although you should know, if you happen to get flocked, you are able to buy the top secret information of who the heck flocked you, but until you ask ($10), the flocker's identity will be protected! https://franklinpto.wufoo.com/forms/flock-reveal/ -The Franklin Flocking Committee
