Dear Franklin families,
A big thank you to everyone for helping to make our Franklin Online Auction a success! Also, a HUGE SHOUT OUT to our Auction Committee, Kay Lee and Anya Huston, who organized everything on a brand new and easy to use platform this year!! Even though it was a smaller inventory of items in this unique year, we raised over $4,000 and are thrilled that it all goes directly to Franklin to support programs including Creative Arts & Sciences, Teacher Mini-Grants, Franklin families in need, and SO much more! The auction committee is in the process of checking and sending items out to everyone who has paid already. If you haven't done so already, please review your invoices in your email inboxes from 32auctions!
Finally, a special thanks goes out to the many Franklin families and businesses who generously donated their time, services, and items to the Online Auction. We couldn't have done any of this without your wonderful contributions! We also can't wait to hear how those Franklin-only homemade meals, desserts, playdates, skills sessions, and cocktail parties go! These experiences with each other are part of what makes our Franklin community so strong and amazing.
The 2020-2021 Franklin PTO Board
Emilie Chang, President
Amy Horsman, Treasurer
Jessica Allen, Secretary
Julie Conlon, board member
Anya Huston, board member
Nancy Maida, board member
Tamara Wieder, board member