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From the Principal - January 4, 2022

Writer: Franklin PTO NewtonFranklin PTO Newton

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

January 4, 2022

Dear Franklin Families,

Happy New Year!

I hope that all of you enjoyed times of laughter and relaxation with loved ones during the vacation week. We are starting 2022 with a bumpy stretch of concern about the COVID surge and its effect on our school community. Please see recent district newsletters with updates about safety and health protocols that will be in place for the coming weeks. In addition to well-fitting masks, please also make sure that your children have adequate winter gear (coats, hats, gloves and, when relevant, snowpants and boots) because we will be going outside for recess on most days.

We will continue to follow established communication protocols regarding positive case notifications for affected classes and a weekly summary for the school. Please reach out at any time with questions or concerns. I look forward to getting through this difficult moment together!

With Best New Year Wishes,

Mark Chitty

Kindergarten Registration: Please see the attached information below about Kindergarten Registration for the 2022-23 School Year.

Parking Reminder: Please remember that the Blue Zone is for live pick up and drop off only and is not available for parking. If you need to exit your vehicle, please park in the neighborhood adjacent to the school, remembering to observe local parking regulations and avoid blocking driveways.

Weekly COVID Case Numbers: During the week of 12/20, Franklin School recorded two COVID cases. Information on districtwide COVID cases and vaccination rates can be found on the Newton Health and Human Services website here: NPS COVID Case Count and Vaccination Rates.

Save the Date! Dr. David Fleishman, Superintendent of Schools, and members of the Newton School Committee will be visiting Franklin at the Parent Coffee on Friday, February 11th, 8:30-9:15 a.m., as a part of their annual tour of Newton schools. They look forward to speaking with members of the Franklin community.

Parent Coffee/PTO Evening Meeting Dates: This year, we have a mixture of morning Parent Coffees and evening PTO Meetings through which we hope to engage all of you in conversation about life and learning in our school community. Please join us on the following dates. We will meet on Zoom for the January and February gatherings and revisit the format for the spring times. Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Fleishman and members of the Newton School Committee will join us at the February 11th Parent Coffee.

January 20th 7:30 p.m.

Meeting ID: 874 9236 0452

Passcode: 999348

February 11th 8:30 a.m.

March 24th 7:30 p.m.

April 29th 8:30 a.m.

June 2nd 7:30 p.m.

Absences: If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please call the Student Absence Line at 617-559-9509 before 7:50. Also, please be sure that teachers have accurate information about dismissal routines for your child.

Early Release Dates: We will have dismissal at 12:10 p.m. on the following dates: February 3rd, March 24th, and May 12th.

With best wishes,

Mark Chitty



The Franklin PTO is a 501(c)3 organization

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