Hi Franklin families!
Did you know that our staff at Franklin have a break room? In addition to our Lucky Notes Days where your children will be giving their teachers some wonderful notes to tell them how lucky we are to have them, we would also LOVE to be able to surprise them with some treats and supplies in their staff break room next Wednesday, March 17th. They use the break room all of the time, and they totally deserve to pick out a quick breakfast, some delicious chocolate, or a snack in the middle of their day!
To sign up to contribute to the Franklin staff break room, here is the link!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4dadac2aa5fa7-help

If you're able to, we would really appreciate any contributions! We have set up a SignUpGenius with specific supplies and snacks that we're looking for. Everything must be individually packaged, and if you sign up for a particular item, you can drop it off to Amy Horsman's home next week on Monday, March 15, or Tuesday, March 16. She will be collecting items in a drop box in front of her house. If you choose to ship anything, like the amazing Amazon 40 count variety from "The Snack Bar", please order ASAP and make sure that it can be shipped to Amy and arrive by Tuesday, March 16th at the latest!
Her address is:
Amy Horsman
47 Davis Avenue
West Newton, MA 02465
In addition to these items, the PTO will be adding fresh fruit and yogurt to the mix!
Thank you so much!! If you have any questions, please contact us at franklinptonewton@gmail.com.
-The Franklin PTO