Hello, Franklin Community! Next week, December 6-10, we will celebrate Inclusive Schools Week. Franklin, along with all Newton Public Schools, is an inclusive school, and we recognize that inclusion makes for a richer and more diverse learning environment for all students. An Inclusive School means all children, regardless of any challenges they may have, are placed in age-appropriate general education classrooms. Inclusive Schools Week presents us and our students with an opportunity to celebrate all learners at the school and appreciate what makes us all different as an integral part of the Franklin Elementary community. Inclusion is possible because of our outstanding educators at Franklin. Every teacher at our school fosters inclusive learning environments in their classrooms, but we want to take a moment to celebrate and appreciate the work of our Student Services Staff. The Students Services Staff are:
Special Education Teachers: Alyssa Accorsini, Allison Hitchings, Julia McTigue, Katie Perry, and Hannah Wald
Team Specialist: Rose Shapiro
Instructional Assistants and Behavior Therapists: Rebecca Caruso, Danielle Coppola, Josyane Correia, Jillian Costello, Sally Goldstein Elkind, Nicole Gallagher, Junu Giri, Farzana Jalalkhan, Tara Lundy, Kyle Muzzy, Michelle Theodore, Sarah Woodbury
Behavioral Interventionist: Tiyana Portis
Occupational Therapist: Roberta Sherman
Speech and Language Pathologist: Emily O’Brien
Psychologist: Toni-Marie Kelly
Social Worker: Daniela MacKinnon
Board Certified Behavior Analyst: Meghan Bowes
In addition to the special activities the staff has planned for all students, Franklin SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) will be hosting a breakfast for the Student Services Staff on Friday, December 10th, and we need your help! Sign up to bring something HERE. We appreciate your generosity with this event! We'll also be sending out a wishlist for these educators who may be missed in the classroom collections. Amy Horsman and Yael Mito Franklin SEPAC Co-Liaisons *Want to learn more about inclusion and how you can continue the conversation at home? Please reach out! For more information on the SEPAC, please email us at Franklin@newtonSEPAC.org