Dear Franklin families,
WOW! We were asked by the Franklin staff to share this with you! It's a wonderful display of thank you's from the staff to the PTO (which you're all a part of!), and it really is incredible to read the words of appreciation from 30+ staff members!

The staff were awarded a total of $6,030 in mini-grants last month which allowed them to purchase things like books, flexible seating for their classrooms, sports goals for the gym, phonics supplies, and more. All of our continuous and amazing support from the Franklin community in our many fundraisers and our dues drive are the reason why our staff could get these mini-grants funded, and how the staff could enjoy their fabulous lunch from Judith's Kitchen on Wednesday.
Every time we send out a SignUpGenius for snacks and food, responses are immediate from the community, and all of these treats don't go unnoticed for our grade level Teacher Appreciation Days. Your volunteer hours are also so appreciated - just this morning, over 20 parents dropped off breakfast items for the student services staff early at 7:00AM!
Each little effort makes such a difference and we are so proud to be part of this community.
- Emilie Chang & Jessica Allen 2021-2022 Franklin PTO Co-Presidents