Hello Franklin Families! We hope that you have had a wonderful start to the school year! The PTO has been really busy planning ways to bring the community together, and we are so excited to be able to share the dates of some of these events with you, plus some other important dates for this month like Picture Day!
Friday, October 2nd - Meadow Farms Fundraising begins (runs through 11/13). Register your kids to be able to earn prizes!
Monday, October 5th - Franklin Flocking begins! What's with those flamingos around the neighborhood??
Monday, October 12th - No School - Indigenous Peoples' Day
Saturday, October 17th - DLA Picture Day (12:00pm - 2:00pm) at Franklin (sign-up here)
Monday, October 19th - Hybrid Cohort A Picture Day (morning)
Monday, October 19th - DLA Picture Day (12:45pm - 1:45pm) at Franklin (sign-up here)
Franklin's first ever Halloween Art Contest - online submission deadline. One winner selected by Principal Jocelyn per grade!
Friday, October 23rd - Hybrid Cohort B Picture Day (morning)
Saturday, October 24th (Rain date October 25th) HALLOWEEN COSTUME BASH (Franklin field from 11:00am - 5:00pm (sign up by grade to attend or to volunteer) et your amazing costumes ready!
Tuesday, October 27th - FORJ event - "How to Raise Anti-Racist Kids" virtual session in the Newton Overdue series (register here)
Thursday, October 29th - Fall Virtual Trivia Night for Franklin parents (7:30pm login, 8:00pm - 10:00pm trivia). Find your teams and register here!
More information will be coming soon for all of these, so be on the lookout for future emails with details! Also, don't forget to follow the Franklin School PTO on Facebook (Franklin PTO) for up-to-date information. Thanks so much, and have a great week! The 2020-2021 Franklin PTO Board Emilie Chang, President Amy Horsman, Treasurer Kelly Schultz, Secretary Jessica Allen, Board Member Allison Avisror, Board Member Julie Conlon, Board Member Anya Huston, Board Member Nancy Maida, Board Member Megan Reilly, Board Member Claudia Rossi, Board Member Tamara Wieder, DLA Liaison