Hi Franklin families! Our online ordering link for pizza is now available! These will be large cheese pizzas from D & A House of Pizza and they are $11 each. To order pizza, click on this link! You MUST order by noon on Tuesday, June 1st. https://franklinpto.wufoo.com/forms/2021-spring-picnic-pizza-order/ The End of Year picnic is on Thursday, June 3rd at 6pm (Rain date: June 8th). The pre-ordered pizzas will be available to pick up at the PTO table on the field at 6pm.
We will be honoring last year's 5th grade graduates (Class of 2020) at this picnic at 6:30pm since they did not have a chance to have any in-person celebrations last year. Get ready for some loud Franklin cheers!
The PTO will be providing cake as dessert to say good-bye & thank you to Principal Jocelyn and Mrs. Bennett. Please feel free to bring your own dessert if your family prefers something else. Thank you!!
-The Franklin PTO