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PTO Welcome for Incoming Kindergarteners! Listservs, Volunteer Positions, & Spirit wear!

Writer: Franklin PTO NewtonFranklin PTO Newton

Hello incoming Kindergarten families!

Welcome to Franklin! We are so excited for you to be a part of our school community!

Last week, you already have heard from our two Kindergarten Welcoming Committee Co-Chairs, Sarah Harris & Kate Civetti. They will be in touch soon with kindergarten buddy groups for this summer, and just one more reminder that the original playground date in September was changed because it conflicted with Rosh Hashanah.

The new kindergarten playground nights with popsicles are:

  • July 20th at 6pm (rain date July 21st)

  • August 10th at 6pm (rain date August 11th)

  • August 25th at 6pm (rain date August 26th) <<-- DATE CHANGED!!

It was wonderful seeing many of you at the Kindergarten Visiting Day a few weeks ago, and on the informational zoom. The Franklin PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is here to help build community at our school, support relationships between families and educators, and raise funds to be used to enhance our children's school experiences. The PTO pays for all of the extras at Franklin: Creative Arts & Sciences Programs, library books, teacher mini grants, extra supplies in the classroom, Multicultural Night, and so much more! We also plan fun community events throughout the year such as our Halloween Bash, art contests, flamingo flocking fundraiser, annual auction & trivia night, mystery dinner, playground playdates, and picnics! PTO Email Listservs We will be automatically adding you all to both of our Franklin listservs within the next few days. Hundreds of Franklin parents are currently subscribed to them. If there is another parent/caregiver in your household that would also like to be added to the listserv, just email us at! Please read the difference between the two listservs below: 1) Franklin PTO Announcements Listserv - this listserv is only used for the PTO board or committee chairs to make announcements about school related events, principal coffees, meetings, and fundraisers. This listserv has moderators and emails must be approved by a moderator before it is published out to the listserv. We communicate mainly over email so definitely make sure that you're subscribed to this listserv to get all of the latest info! 2) Franklin Parents Discussion Listserv - this listserv can be used to start discussion threads, promote non-school events, to ask questions, and to list items for sale or free items in the community. This occasionally is also for announcements from the PTO board, but mainly it's used for parents to be able to communicate with each other. There is NO moderator for this listserv and no approvals are needed to be able to email to this listserv. To email the listserv, your email must already be added to the listserv. This is the correct email address to use to post to it: Spirit wear We are offering spirit wear for sale to the incoming kindergarten class before our September sale. We have a limited number of gray sweatshirts/hoodies with the green Franklin logo (Gildan Heavy Blend Youth Size Small - $25) and white t-shirts with the green Franklin logo (Gildan Ultra Cotton Youth Size Small - $15) available at a discount and you won't need to pay shipping fees. We can arrange for a pick up at the July 20th playground night, or we can arrange for another pick up time if you can't make it. Here is the link to order online through the PTO via Paypal:

If you prefer to customize your own spirit wear and order on your own, here is the link to our online Franklin Falcons Apparel Shop! Volunteer positions this fall! We are already looking to fill some key volunteer roles this fall for the 2021-2022 school year! If you're interested in learning more, this sign up link has short descriptions of each role: * Social Action Committee Co-Chair * Mystery Dinner Co-Chairs (2) * Franklin Directory Coordinator * Ad Sales Coordinator for Directory * Online Auction Committee (2) * Trivia Night & Live Auction Co-Chairs (2) * Multicultural Night Co-Chair * Understanding Our Differences (UOD) Coordinator * Staff Lounge Supply Coordinator * Principal Coffee Coordinators (2) * Safe Routes to School Co-Representative * METCO Parent Representative * ELL Parent Representative Social Media Accounts Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for behind the scenes photos and updates! Facebook: Instagram: Let us know if you have any questions, we look forward to seeing you in the fall! Emilie Chang & Jessica Allen 2021-2022 Franklin PTO Co-Presidents



The Franklin PTO is a 501(c)3 organization

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