Hi Franklin families! We would love to treat our wonderful Franklin staff to SIX Teacher Appreciation Days over the course of the school year, each one sponsored by a grade. Our FIRST one will be on Wednesday, October 12th, sponsored by our 5th grade class. Parents, if you're able to, we would really appreciate any contributions! We have set up a SignUpGenius with specific supplies and snacks that we're looking for like popcorn, chocolate, seltzer water, fruit, tea, coffee, creamers, and more! SIGN UP HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4dadac2aa5fa7-teacher1 If you sign up for a particular item, please drop it off in the Franklin Main Office anytime on Tuesday, October 11th, or by 8:30AM on Wednesday, October 12th.
Thank you!!
-The Franklin PTO