Franklin families,
Tomorrow is the last day of the Scholastic book fair in the school library!!!
The following classes will have time to shop during their library class tomorrow so don't forget to send your student with money in a labeled ziploc bag if you would like them to purchase books. Remember items are taxed.
Clark - 4th grade Burke - 2nd grade Lefever - 2nd grade Chiozzi - 2nd grade Joseph - Kindergarten Scott - Kindergarten The fair will also be OPEN AFTER SCHOOL UNTIL 4pm!! All family, friends and students are welcome after school! We received some restock of popular books so come check it out! There are also some remaining wishlist books that teachers would love to add to their classroom libraries. The wishlist books are located in bins near the registers. Finally, I want to say THANK YOU so very much for all the support this week, including so many generous parent volunteers! It was a blast seeing so much excitement and joy from students as they navigated, at times skipped through their first in person book fair in over two years! Happy reading! Lisa Madding Book fair chair ldacey24@hotmail.com
