Greetings Franklin Families,
On behalf of the Franklin PTO, we would like to warmly welcome all new and returning families to the 2021-2022 school year! We hope you are excited about this upcoming year at Franklin. The PTO Board would like to update you on some important information and pass along some dates to add to your calendars.
The goals of the Franklin PTO are to build community at Franklin, support relationships between families and educators, promote communication within our school community, and raise funds to be used to enhance our children’s school experiences. In order for the PTO to be effective, we need your participation! Did you know that as a parent or guardian of a student at Franklin you are automatically a member of the PTO? The beginning of the school year is a great time to think about what each of us can do to help our children, their teachers, and the Franklin community build an even more enriching, nurturing, and welcoming environment for everyone.
The PTO needs your help and we are already looking to fill some parent volunteer roles. If you are interested, please sign up!
We also are still looking for room parents for the following classrooms!
Lindsay Scott (Kindergarten) - needs 2
Angela Downing (1st grade) - needs 1
Casey Dolan & Alyssa Accorsini (5th grade) - needs 1
Miki Leong (5th grade) - needs 2
If you are new to being a room parent, we will be happy to help you! This is a great way to meet other parents and to support your classroom teachers. Sign up to be a room parent here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4dadac2aa5fa7-franklin8
Also, we wanted to let you know that the structure of the PTO Board is changing this year! We are adding the principal, teacher representatives, and chairs of FORJ, SEPAC, CAS & social action committees to our board so everyone can work together more closely. This way, our committees can start to align with each other on different topics and even collaborate together more often. We are extremely excited about this change, and are looking forward to an amazing year together.
Here are some important dates for the first few weeks of school:
Thursday, September 9th: First day of school - doors open at 8:10am.
Friday, September 10th: Welcome Back Parent Coffee Social outside the school immediately after drop off - come connect with new and returning parents at this annual tradition.
Thursday, September 16th: No School - Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 22nd: Back to School Picnic, 6:00pm - 7:30pm (Rain date: Thursday, September 23rd). The PTO will have cheese pizzas available to pre-order and will provide cake for dessert.
Friday, September 24th: Principal Coffee (Q&A w/principal & parents), 8:30am outside the school
Monday, September 27th: Franklin Picture Day - order photo packages online here. Just search for West Newton and Franklin to get to the correct ordering form.
Monday, October 4th: Franklin 2021-2022 Family Directory Cover Artwork Contest submission deadline. This is a special chance for your child's artwork to be featured on the cover of the Franklin Directory! More details to come soon.
Tuesday, October 5th: Back to School/Curriculum Night - virtual.
Monday, October 18th: First PTO Meeting with Principal Chitty, 7:30pm (Room Parents, 7:00pm)
Mark your calendars for these Franklin traditions:
Saturday, October 30th: Franklin Halloween Bash (Families Attend) - Get those costumes ready and let's get together outdoors on the Franklin field (Rain date: Sunday, October 31st)
Evening of Saturday, April 9th: Franklin Trivia/Live Auction (Parents/Guardians/Faculty)
We will also be launching our annual Dues Drive soon, but you can contribute now at Franklin Dues Drive. The dues we collect support vital programs at Franklin such as Creative Arts & Sciences, Staff Mini Grants, and the Library Fund. For a $75 minimum contribution, you’ll receive a hard copy of the Franklin Directory!
Finally, please be on the lookout for more PTO emails from us regarding future events and ways to help out for the 2021-2022 school year. There are many opportunities for families to participate and help, and we thank you in advance for your time and energy in making the Franklin community enriching and fun for everyone.
Don’t forget to check our PTO Website for the latest school event calendar & news! Also, follow us on Facebook & Instagram for up-to-date information and photos! Get in touch with us anytime by emailing franklinptonewton@gmail.com.
We are looking forward to another great year. See you soon!
The Franklin PTO Board
Emilie Chang, Co-President
Jessica Allen, Co-President
Amy Horsman, Treasurer & SEPAC
Nancy Maida, Secretary
Tim Brenner, Board Member
Kate Civetti, Board Member
Helen Makadia, Board Member & CAS
Christina Daly, CAS
Siobhan Crosby, FORJ
Jackie Savage-Borne, FORJ & Social Action
Ranjani Paradise, Social Action
Yael Mito, SEPAC
Mark Chitty, Principal
Stephanie Lefever, PTO Teacher Representative
Erica Terk, PTO Teacher Representative