GET EXCITED!!!! The Book Fair is starting Monday, May 16th at the start of school! Franklin the Falcon will be outside Monday morning to greet students and the first 60 kids to attend the book fair Monday after school will receive a free bookmark!
Each student will have the opportunity to shop the book fair during their library class time, see the schedule below.
Consider sending money in a plastic bag labeled with your student's name for them to use during their library time. Per Scholastic, the average cost of a book is around $8-$10 and there will also be school supplies, journals, posters for sale so discuss with your student what the money is to be used for. Although you can pay with a credit card after school, please do not send credit cards to school with students so none are lost.
Family, friends, caregivers are welcome to shop the book fair with students outside of school hours!!!!
Book Fair Hours Outside of School:
Monday, May 16th: After school until 6 pm *FREE BOOKMARKS TO THE FIRST 60 CHILDREN AFTER SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 17th: After school until 4 pm
Wednesday, May 18th: 7 am - 3 pm *GUEST READER MR. WONG 12:40 pm
Thursday, May 19th: After school until 6 pm
Friday, May 20th: After school until 4 pm
Please let me know if you have any questions and can't wait to see you shopping at the book fair!
Lisa Madding
Book fair chair
